How I started making sea glass pictures and pebble art

I had always liked art made from natural materials and often admired it in cafes and shops while on holiday. On one holiday, in 2018, I found some really beautiful pebbles and sea glass on the beach and decided to make them into a picture, just for me to hang in my house.

When I got home, I arranged the sea glass and pebbles and made a pretty basic picture which I displayed in the living room. Over the next few weeks, everyone that came to the house seemed to like the picture and some even suggested I start to sell them. I didn't think there was any way it would be worth my while but I started to make some for friends and family, either to give them as presents or for them to pass on to family and friends for birthday and Christmas presents.

A few months later, my husband started an Etsy shop for me to prove that my work would sell and a few days later, we had our first sale. Then we had another and another and before we knew it we were getting up to 15 orders a day!

Now we have had over 1,500 sales and business continues to go from strength to strength. I still make every order myself and to order so it's hard work but I love every second of it and am so pleased and flattered that people like my sea glass and pebble creations.